Just wanted to make the official announcement...I've been hired as an animator at Pixar Canada! I started 3 weeks ago, and am very excited about what lies ahead! If you didn't see the announcement video earlier this year, you can still view it at their website, http://www.pixarcanada.com/. Needless to say, it's a bit surreal to be working there now. They have big goals, we'll be working on stuff with their franchise characters. Plus Vancouver IS that awesome. Even if I'm mourning the loss of a good pizza or burrito, and the convenience of "the city that never sleeps". Still, it's great to be working at Pixar on a small team, and in the downtown of a great city...not all that different from my experience in New York, which I loved! Anyway, watch the video if you haven't, and I'll keep posting when I can!
P.S. I also updated the blog with a new template, as mine was severely out of date and couldn't utilize some of the fancy new blogger features. It's pretty similar to before, but nice to have a refreshed look!
Congrats again Kyle! Looking forward to seeing what you guys produce up there. Good luck and drop me a message sometime!
Congrats again Kyle! Can't wait to see some Mohr animation. ;)
Thanks guys! Talk to ya soon!
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