Saturday, September 08, 2007

Internet People, Channel Frederator RAW

Channel Frederator has started a social networking site they call "Channel Frederator RAW". Basically, it's like myspace (moreso than facebook), but it's more focused social networking for animators and cartoon fans. It's just getting off the ground now. What's cool is that not only can you network with other animators, but you can upload your short films there for everyone to see, and the best ones will probably get on the Channel Frederator podcast. (I'm assuming that you can still submit your film for the podcast directly to CF, but this way you can submit and also get people to see your film if they happen to not choose it for the podcast) I'm a pretty heavy facebook user myself, so I don't see this becoming my new main social network site. But it seems like a good way to network and have your work seen.

Channel Frederator also seems to be starting its own online cartoon series. Check out this funny vid, summarizing most (if not all) of the crazy viral videos that on the internet.

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