Wow, so much to talk about! First off, I'm very happy to report that my short film "Help Wanted!" was selected for this week's Channel Frederator video podcast! Download Episode 29 there or through iTunes to see it! (I suggest you subscribe for updates in iTunes, it's worth it) You don't need a video iPod to watch them, just Quicktime. Also click that link to see the blog post about my film, RATE my film, or post a comment :) Submit your shorts people, it's a great podcast.
Secondly, the success of "One Rat Short" continues on. It has now been accepted to both the L.A. Film Festival, as well as the Las Vegas Film Festival! I feel so lucky to have had the opportunity to work on that film. I'm still working at Psyop, this week we are finishing up a 60 second spot, and after that I will be working some on the 90 second version.
In other news, I recently had to re-install Windows on my comp. One day I think I deleted some "not-actually spyware" spyware (aka, Windows files), and my machine wouldn't even boot into Windows. Unfortunatly I didn't have my discs for 2000, so I ordered XP online. So I went for a week without a computer at home (oh no!), and consequently got a lot more sleep, haha. Long story short, I didn't lose any files, my comp is running faster, and I'm finally up to date with my OS (right before Windows Vista comes out, right?)
Finally, for the Quote-of-the-Update (not week) guess where it is from:
"Are you two brothers?
No....Yeees! MAN!"
Later all!